Generating and installing an SSL Certificate using the Web Host Manager interface is easy. The steps are:
- Click on “Generate an SSL Certificate and Signing Request”
- Fill in the text boxes with the appropriate information and click on “Create”
- Use cut and paste to copy the CSR, (Certificate Signing Request)
- Purchase your certificate and then use the CSR to complete the order in our billing system.
- Once you have your certificate, click on, “Install an SSL Certificate on a Domain”
Important notes:
- If you want your certificate to work on both and, use the www version when generating a signing request.
- If you want a certificate for a specific sub-domain (such as or you need to generate a CSR for that sub-domain. If you have a large number of sub-domains to secure, consider a wildcard certificate.
- As of this writing, cPanel makes outdated assumptions about additional certificates which may be required. These certificates are called a “CA bundle”. They are included when your certificate is sent to you. The last box on the certificate installation screen shows the CA bundle as optional. Don’t leave the box empty. Fill it in with your CA bundle certificates.
You can order an SSL certificate from us here. Select the type certificate you want from the category drop-down.