The domain names and were registered on November 16th, 2002.
A lot has changed since then.
We had a reseller account on a server which was overloaded and provided terrible service. BUT, the pay per click advertising was working. The initial $300 was getting recycled over and over. The revenue from new signups was slightly more than the advertising cost. Since it was clear that the business model was working we took the plunge and rented our first dedicated server.
We were running a control panel called Ensim, having taken a cue from the former account. It was (is?) so bad that the number of accounts you could add to a server was constrained not by how busy the sites were, but by the overhead imposed by the control panel itself. And I mean by a factor of 10. The control panel hogged up server resources at a rate easily 10 times the sites.
We limped along with Ensim for several years, adding server after server to get good performance. What a relief it was to ditch it and move to cPanel and FreeBSD. It felt like I’d gone to heaven.
Of the first 5 customers to sign up, we still have 3. The other 2 are no longer on the Internet. I like to think that means we are doing something right.
Anyway, Happy Birthday Deerfield Hosting !!